O R S - T U R
O R S - T U R


Routes of "Kalenda"

Kalenda in Roman classical language is the first day of month from him happened and word calendar), and from tyurkskogo combination of words kalenda, that is translated, as fortress went away or the blasted fortress.

Baidar`s valley - in tyurks language means "magnificent, excellent".

Stoning river-bed of river of "Armanka" beautiful with numerous baths. Greatest bath is "Black", sister to bath of Youth in the Large canyon. There is the interesting group of stone with the drawn skull, there is an observational ground with the type of valley, there is the figure of stoning giant is guard of valley. On foot a 6 km, duration - 2 hours.

The second variant of route of "Armanka" conduces to the mountain pass of Shaitan-Merdven (Devil stair). Getting up on a ancient Roman road. Specific ground with a kind on a sea. Examination of ruins of fortress on the rock of Issar-Kaia and historical places. Lowering on the Point-of-sale beam. Lowering in the canyon of river Aramanka with the visit of relict juniper forest. On foot a 12 km, duration - 6 hours.

Forgotten world of Chelybi.
Interesting autopedestrian route in the district of Baidar`s gates. "Forgotten world" of mountain Foros has only one entrance with deep cracks on a path. Visit of grotto with stalactites and stalagmites. From a specific ground wonderful review on a Foros church, and on the city Foros. On foot - a 5 km, on a machine - a 20 km. Duration is 3 hours.

A routem - the cave "Syndyrly-Koba".
Examination of ancient skif burial places. Getting up on the top of mountain of "Syndyrly-Kaiasu" - 790 meters above a sea level. Visit of cave. To the village of Novobobrovka and back onto to the machine - a 15 km, on foot 9 is km. Duration - 5 hours.

A route is the canyon of river of "Uzundja".
A way lies along the river-bed of river on the canyon of river of "Uzundja" to the cave. Visit of natural boundary of Ai-Dimitri`, lowering back. To the village Of collective a farm and back onto to the machine - a 12 km, on foot - a 9 km. Duration - 5 hours.

Route is waterfall "Peak".
Visit in flood time, May June or after rains. On foot - a 6 km, on a machine - a 20 km. Duration - 4 hours.
Route - "Mangup-Kale"
Towards village Hadji-Sala and back onto the machine. Pedestrian excursion on the spelaean city of Mangup. On foot - a 8 km, on a machine - a 80 km,, duration - 6 hours.

Route on the plateau of "Irita-Kaia"
On a Peredovski mountain pass and back onto to the machine. Getting up on a plateau. Beautiful kinds on Baidar`s, Kuibushev`s valley and on Ai-Petry. Walks and rest on a plateau and back. On foot - a 5 km, on a machine - a 30 km, duration - 3 hours.

Route on the mountain of "Sanduk".
On a Peredovsk mountain pass and back onto to the machine. Getting up on a plateau.
On a plateau going the mountain of Sanduk. Beautiful review on Baidar, Kuibushev valley and on Ai-Petry. Walks and rest on mountain Sanduk (tailings of ancient fortress) and back. On foot - a 8 km, on a machine - a 30 km, duration - 6 hours .
Other routes possible by arrangement.
Additional charges are possible in the form payment of collection for the visit of forest.

Every routes for one light day.
Payment instructor on tourism - $200 from a group


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