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Market of ORS
goods and services of habitants.
You can represent it.
Real estate: collected, brushes
up and is increased information about the sale of houses, apartments,
areas on territory of Crimea, Ukraine, .. .. ..
System of the automatic watering on an
Practical application is recommended: to the proprietors of
private houses, on the small holding, to the farmers for production
ecologically clean green-stuffs and fruit.
Oscillation technologies: Vehicles
are radiative vibrations lives supporting and vostanavlyvayuschye
life of man, preventing the harmful influencing, hardwares.
Preparations of "SEM-TEX" technologies, "STELLA"
- 2, .. .. .. (short waves, background response activity modes)
Development of software: specialists
have more than a 10 summer experience in software development,
for the countries of western Europe.
Technical experience includes:
- Object oriented development from the early stage of a project
- Multi-tier application development ;
- Client/Server application development
- Network application development
- Multithread programming
-Java, JavaScript, HTML, XML, XSL, ANT, C++, Pascal, Modula-2,
Oberon-2 and SQL programming
- Vast number of different java technologies like JavaServlets,
JavaServerPage, JavaXML, JavaCC, ANT, Java-based SVG, Java-based
XSL-FO, Apache Tomcat, Swing, Eclipse and e.t.c.
- Different SQL databases like Oracle, DB2, Solid, MS-SQL, Sybase,
- Development of java components libraries for Swing, SWT, AWT
- Development of rich user interface with multi language support
- Development of Application Servers
- Using CASE and RAD tools (Rational Rose and Sybase Power Designer)
By now we have: Special technological
process of software development
Effective management of office activity
Software for automation of different stages of software development
and staff management (designed by ourself)
Tools and libraries in java (designed by ourself)