O R S - T U R
O R S - T U R


Pedestrian routes are expected from 1 to 10 days. It is carried out escorted experimental explorers by.

During transition tourists rest. During a halt you can adopt food, do photo and type of survey mountain - forest area of Crimea and historical monuments.

Every one-day transition is closed on the guarded tourist stands. Tents, sleeping-bags you can lease or purchase, preliminary reporting about this necessity. Preparation of food you can order separately, and a skilled cook will provide it.


Routes of "Kalenda"

Kalenda in Roman classical language is the first day of month from him happened and word calendar), and from tyurkskogo combination of words kalenda, that is translated, as fortress went away or the blasted fortress.

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Routes of "Lada"

Lad (TUNE) is the category of music; sound heights communications incorporated by a central sound network (by consonance).

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Routes sacral.

On the sacred places of Crimea.

Sacral - ceremonial, holy, sacred.

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Star Route

- excursion in Crimea Astro observatory.

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