O R S - T U R
O R S - T U R


Project: "rs - city of Sun"

Project - perspective economic, ecological, cultural and historical revival of Crimea, Ukraine and whole world .

Annotation: creation and advancement of site- publicity-informative pages, for bringing in and association of people loving and valuing the Motherland.

Destiny of project "rs" is renewal and further growth of cultural integrity citizens of Ukraine, world's recovery, renewals of Vedik Knowledge, economic bloom of the state on the basis of growth of satisfaction by the life, everybody.

Purpose of project: association of the most creative and effectively developing people for advancement of products of their creation.

Raising of problem: By cause for creation of this project a heavy economic situation and low level of satisfaction served in life of people. The decline of economic welfare is related to the low level of creativity, and similarly with violation of Natural Laws in life of people. Nature does not support plenitude and abundance in life of separate man and state on the whole.

Activity of the most talented and creative persons of our society of separately. It is necessary to enable to set connection with each other to the most creative and creative people.



The group of people, incorporated by one aspiration, one desire, one idea, one way of life, one place of existence, is able to carry out creation, any tasks to her on a shoulder. Important to define destiny, plenitude of executable function of each will define his place in lives and efficiency of development. Speed of development and evolution will define the measure of achievements in lives and creation world.

Description of organization of carrying out a project:

Organization "ORS-TUR" is created and develops on the basis of partners agreement advancement of projects.

People are our partners led away and creative: writers, poets, artists, inventors scientific, businessmen.

That unites these people so this love to the Motherland and desire to improve life it and near.

Join to us!!!

Purpose of project:

1. To create terms for unlimited growth and development of every partner of project of "rs" and associations of healthy, strong, clever, loving the Motherland citizens.

2. To the release from stresses and deep fatigue in physiology man and awakening of complete creative potential, finding of economic independence and all-sufficient in life of concrete everybody.



Establishment and maintenance of contacts with tourist, excursion organizations, for the leadthrough of lectures of seminars of excursions for renewal and distribution of vedik knowledge and traditions of russian people;

Collection and systematization of vedyyskykh knowledges and traditions of people of aryev of inhabiting territory of Crimea, Ukraine, Russia, Western Europe;

Contact and his maintenance with the front-rank scientists of our time;

Registrations of copyright and embodiment in life of front-rank inventions and suggestions of providing growth of ecological cleanness and economic profitability in life of man;

Help in employment, work, business and matters of cooperant to growth of ecological cleanness cultural integrity of people, economic societies;

Association of creative and business men realizing the creative potential in business and industry, for support and development of positive directions in life of society on our planet (organically clean sel'sko- economic products, production organically clean zhyznepodderzhyvayuschykh medicinal preparations, ecologically clean perfumery, building of houses based on knowledge of all natural laws for happy and successful life of their inhabitants and etc );

Creation of rationing investment fund for realization of projects;

Decision of tasks of social development of region, country, state of concord of the states of CIS, Western Europe and the East, and whole world;

Education: Knowledge about life is Vedik Knowledge - always, existed, exists, and will exist always. It not is created by a man, it only it lives to them;

Due to activity of the most talented, creative and creative persons of our society of Knowledge of aryan civilization get possibility to reach to us in the clear methodically built system of education, by the developed group of scientists and specialists in area of consciousness;

- knowledge of vedychnoy medicine is about that, how to support the organism in the healthy state without considerable charges;

- knowledge of vedychnoy architecture - how to create buildings which will support success and happiness in professional and personal life;

- knowledge of vedychnogo management, which will allow to avoid vital errors, heave up success of enterprises, establishments, organizations and state to the greatest level;

- knowledge of vedychnoy astrology is about that, how to plan and correct the life taking into account the circumstances and people;

- knowledge about the conduct of vedychnogo ecologically clean agriculture, growing ecologically clean agricultural product, that does not overcrop, keeps and improves all environment;

- knowledge of vedychnoy music is about that, how to use sounds in harmony with surroundings;

- knowledges, about that how to prepare itself to marriage life and to attain domestic happiness;

- knowledges about education of children, that they were deserving dreamings and hopes of the parents, mothers, glorious ancestors and praschurov, which thought and cared of them.

Presently necessity of population person leading ruler of capable to lead people fortunately and to Satisfaction very great. The supreme ruler of universe loves, takes care, helps and supports development of every creature: man and grass. We have Knowledge able to bring everybody over of our society fortunately and satisfaction, to do life of each economic independent and samodostatochnoy, and country by the rich economic developed power. Your creative, active, initiative, decisive participation is needed for this purpose.


Implementation phases:

Creation of group of associate sites;

increase of rating;

registration in different informative catalogues and searching machines;

presentation of project and our suggestions on scientific, ecological, business economic conferences and seminars;

Collection of information about the inventions and

progressive projects;

presentation of goods and services of our partners;

Presentation of projects of our partners: economic, ecological, political;

Creation of rationing investment fund for introduction and advancement of scientific inventions and achievements;

Organization of work of enterprises for introduction, and advancement of scientific inventions and achievements.


Monitoring of project:

1. Findpath legislative in advancement of the most perspective progressive and evolutional projects in the legal documents of the state Ukraine and the International law;

2. Search and consideration of different alternate and inventions designs for advancement them through mass medias;

3. Search of the interested overlings, silk-stocks, funds, for realization of projects.


Expected results:

Creation of tourist bases of rest, leadthrough of excursions on the places of bloom of aryan civilization of edycheskogo Knowledge and other historically folded sights;

Revival of edycheskykh Knowledges on the lived territory. By the leadthrough of lectures, excursions, tele- and radio of transmissions, issue of newspaper of magazine and other literature. Creation of TV of channel, wireless station, printing-house;

development of love of man to the motherland;

renewal of cultural and historical values of the people (legends, traditions, holidays;

establishment of contacts and growth of communicability among people;

formation of the silk-stock accomplished and;

Minimization of harmful environmental impact of man due to advancement ecologically clean technologies of inventions and openings;

Spiritual and internal growth of cleanness in consciousness of man;

Love to the environment;

Development and support, ecologically clean agriculture through the sale of his products;

Support of government and his projects directed on the anxiety about people and the people;

People will love, and to support the people and the government;

The feed ecologically by clean green-stuffs, fruit, healthful herbares, will cure life of people trauma in the past.

The sale of surpluses of fruit and green-stuffs will provide economic sufficiency of producers;

Increase of level of birth-rate of healthy, physically strong, of genii and creatively gifted children;

Issue and sale of medications on local healthful herbares and minerals of different most high healthful and zhyznepodderzhyvayuschey by force;

Creation of World Palace will create the waves of world, love and harmony in all surrounding space;

At home, the built in accordance with knowledges of fundamental natural laws will support boundless growth of greater happiness, greater knowledge greater welfare;

Education will give knowledges to carry out the desires and to find the place in life;

Growth of creative potential will enable to adapt, adapt oneself to the existent terms, to integrate and synthesize present Knowledges;

Education of respect to the culture and traditions of the people will conduce to strengthening of succession of sort of each of participants of our project;

The complete bloom of world and happiness will be the job performance of center on a planet, awareness of responsibility for peace on Earth by the government of all states, economic and political concord of all states on a planet, scientifically realized single world view, on a planet, renewal of zhyznepodderzhyvayuschey force, are closenesses of the quantum fields of creation on a planet.

The budget of project and realization of project takes place due to the personal holdings of participants of project on the basis of mutually beneficial collaboration.

Author of project "rs - city of Sun"

Mihail Pushia

Coauthors and helpers: ....., Pshebelska lla, inolitskiy Andrey, lya Burlakova, ahesh Prasad Varma, Pavel of Volkov, azantseva Anna, nischenkova-Shatravko Lybov, Chalik Valentina, Sergevskaya-Ganson ateryna and her husband Paul, Nick ukhorukov and collective of Folk School in Bakhchisarai, Ljudmila alukhyna, . . .

The partners of project came forward on the pages of site.

Among them: Paul Wolves, Chalik Valentina, Oksana Lisovskaia, .. .. . . . . . (a list broadens, and list not full).. . . ..


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