O R S - T U R
O R S - T U R



Lad (TUNE) is the category of music; sound heights communications incorporated by a central sound network (by consonance). It is incarnated in a scale (to the voice system). The elements of tune (sounds, consonance's) are in the certain relations between itself (see Functions tunes, abutments and not abutment).

Historical forms of tune (Lada):

╖ modal tunes related to principle of melody-model (see Ancient Greeks tunes, Natural tunes Medieval tunes, to Makam, Raga);

╖ European harmonic key 17-19 vv. (major key and minor key);

╖ new heights structures in music 20 т.: (including in a dodecaphony) is used along with the classic and renewed ancient types of tune. (See also pentatonic, diatonic music, chromatic Scale).

Routes of "Tune" lie on the places of Crimea most consonant to each other and show itself whole musical composition. Sounds of mountains, Sounds of Forest, Sounds of birds, Sounds of Beasts, Sea Sounds, Sounds of Pisces and Marine Beasts is adjusted in one single WAY of Life of Integrity of Prosperity of Splendor. Visiting these places, you will lay down to wake up this call of the native wild and to remain with him on always.


Route is л Spiritual house for men ╗

We ride at a bus to the village, on a lining road. Then we on foot go to the masculine spiritual house. There is a mountain, lake, spring, temple, beech beechen coniferous forest. During a halt it is possible to bath at a lake.

Duration of trip with travel on a transport 9-10 hours.

On foot Ц 5-6 hours with the stop on a halt.


Route is natural лBoundary of Aiazma╗ (Or the local name Fig)

Ashore South a lot of attractive geological places. There is three unique - лSeven geological wonders of Crimea╗. Aiazma on Greek means лsanctified, blessed╗.

Natural Boundary of Aiazma occupies space between a Ballaklava bay and cape of Aia.

In stoning chaos a pine-tree, grows splendidly. Height of cape of Aia on 557 meters above a sea level. This the mountain second on a height ashore South.

Duration with motion on a transport, by the stop and bathing in a sea 8-10 hours.

Route of лTepe-Kermen╗

Tepe-Kermen (means a "hill-fortress").

Here was the fixed medieval city.

He is located on the mountain of conical shape, in high 540 i above a sea level.

In XII-XIV age of Tepe-Kermen there was much the populous "spelaean city" of Crimea. A plateau occupies an area about 1 hectare.

Here 300 artificial caves. A spelaean church is 8-9 eyelids.

On foot Ц a 10-12 km. Duration 7 hours with a halt on a mountain.


Route is лKachi-Kanion╗

Kachi-Kanion, probate by a river in a mountain ridge. Depth 140 meters, width 150 meters. Rocky white-rocks slopes are built by limestoneТs and marls. Natural white bastions formed enormous grottoes are niches. Primitive people dwelt in grottoes. The made of flint instruments bones tailings of extinct animals are found.

In natural and artificial caves - grottoes economic services of settlement were disposed. The settlement arose up in IV -V age of our era. Tailings of spelaean monastery were saved (VIII - XV of century). Tailings of many buildings were saved Ц strengthening, towers, church, economic buildings. They are of large scientific and cognitive interest. These leavings expand present and past to leave people and natures.

A Kachi-Kanion canyon is the monument of nature (with 1969), protected reserve (with 1974). Illustrates destructive and creative force of fluid waters and protective force of vegetable cover.

On foot Ц a 25-27 km. Duration is 9-10 hours with a halt.

Dear friend of request on the lead through of rest give us on e-mail: ors-tur@mail.ru

Every routes for one light day.

Payment instructor on tourism - $200 from a group


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